Hi there, person who is currenting visiting this website! My name is Zack, and I’m from Toronto, currently working as Platform Engineer in New York City.
Since my first internship doing some basic Javscript and using JEE to using frameworks like BackboneJS and Spring, I’ve always been curious about how the application was actually hosted. After a couple of internships being mainly a Java fullstack developer, I managed to land an internship at Trifacta as a Devops Intern and was exposed to AWS, Azure, and GCP as well as Kubernetes. Being exposed to these technologies really sparked my interest in more devops type roles.
The internship after that was at Lifion by ADP as an Infrastruture Engineering Intern. I was exposed to Terraform and helped transition our orchestrator from Docker Swarm to Kubernetes, as well as setting up kiam in Kubernetes to help manage secrets and AWS permissions. I learned after I left that my changes had created a lot of additonal developer pain and work, even though it made the system more secure. It changed my perspective on what Devops means, and I’m still actively working on learning the meaning, connotation, and implementation of the word in organizations.
I have since returned to Lifion for full time after graduating from the University of Waterloo over the summer. (btw, we’re hiring 🔥🔥🔥!)
You can email me at zihanw@hotmail.com